Month: February 2006

  • Drupal Professionals Shop Conference Call

    We just finished the first Drupal Professionals Conference Call. The Agenda was: 1) Introductions: Rep from each shop introduces and mentions any client funded module development, or other module development that folks might not know about (please limit to 3 to 5 minutes) 2) Discussions: a) Drupal Pros Directory (15) b) Drupal Camp Training (15)…

  • Return to sender….

    How many times have you received an email from a sender you don’t recognize about a website that you do recognize? More specifically, how many political emails (about candidates or otherwise) have you gotten that are sent by some staffer on the campaign who’s name is generally unremarkable? Well, i get dozens of political emails…

  • Adding Audio or Video to make your site stickier

    Many organizations don’t think about how they can incorporate new types of content into their web strategies in order to compete in the “marketâ€? for their members’ or constituents’ time. The same goes for politicians and candidates. Podcasting and videocasting is really much easier that it looks and sounds. Many organizations already do plenty of…

  • World Changing: Open Source Design and more

    Every few days, or at least once a week, I scroll through my World Changing feed and read a few articles, forward them to a few friends, maybe blog one. Today I am going to blog a few, because there are a bunch stored up. So here they are: Alex Steffen rights about Cameron Sinclaire’s…

  • Attention Streams

    Distributing the Future has podcast with a segment on “attention streams”. I have been posting on the topic here, including 2 podcasts with Fen. I declare 2006 the year of attention.

  • Gun’s and Airplanes

    I took this photo in a newstand at Sea-Tac on my way back to NY last week. I wonder what would have happened if I had purchased all of these titles and was reading them while waiting to board the plane?

  • Personal Democracy Forum

    The Personal Democracy Forum in NYC at the CUNY Grad Center 365 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10016

  • Something Reasuring about the Space Needle

    <p>There is something very reasuring about the space needle. I have not been there yet, but it is THE dominant feature of the Seattle Skyline for me. I can see it from the couch where I sit writing this (and working almost every day) and it is visible from almost every intersection in my neighborhood.<br…

  • Video Blogging!

    <p>I've started doing some video blogging:<br /> I have posted some videos over at <a href="" target="new"></a> and rather than posting them all inline here, you can just go over there and watch them.<br /> <a href="" target="new">Interview with Kaliya</a><br /> <a href="" target="new">Costs of Drupal</a><br /> <a href="" target="new">Get Universities Using Drupal and Contributing…

  • My Videoblogging

    I have posted some more videos over at and rather than posting them all inline here, you can just go over there and watch them. Interview with Kaliya Costs of Drupal Get Universities Using Drupal and Contributing to the community Kris Krug on Geek Yoga