Month: August 2005

  • Paramilitary Police State: their raving not rioting

    <p>Just got this from my coworker Aaron Pava, originally posted on [l:|DailyKos] apparently some swat teams from Utah County and Utah state shut down what is being described by promoters as a legal, permited rave on private property. You can judge for yourself the veracity of those claims (I am leaning towards believing them as…

  • onNYTurf : Google Map NYC-Subway Hack

    <p><a href="">onNYTurf : Google Map NYC-Subway Hack</a> – <em></em> [<a href="">Gregory Heller's</a>]</p> <p>It was about time somebody came up with this. Surprising that Google didn't do it first, adding mass transit layers to their googlemaps for major metropolitan areas…</p>

  • New york voters don't care for the 4th amendment

    <p>[l:|A Quinnipiac Poll release yesterday found that "Of the 1,600 registered voters polled, 72 percent say they have no problems with the city's random bag checks of subway and bus passengers."] NY1 covers some of the breakout categories and questions, you can go there for more info. But I would jsut like to comment that…

  • ParaSITE: inflatable housing

    <p>THis is linked in my delicious too, but i felt it was worth talking a little bit more about the ParaSITE:<br /> <a href="" target="blank" title="The paraSITE – an inflatable shelter for the homeless that runs off expelled HVAC air">The paraSITE – an inflatable shelter for the homeless that runs off expelled HVAC air</a></p> <p>This…

  • The Death of marketing as we know it

    <p>I am currently reading [l:|Purple Cow from Seth Godin.] He makes the case that companies need to market to people like me (innovators, early adopters and sneezers) because only we can successfully market their product to mainstream consumers. If you market to the mainstream, no one wants it and there is too much competition. People…

  • "Trust No One"

    <p>[l:|Kevin Bankston] from [|EFF] gave the keynote presentation at the [|NTEN Regional in SF on Friday]. His presenation could have been called "Trust No One". It was a wakeup call for anyone who was listening who didn't already think about security. The talk ranged from a background of how we have gotten to where we…

  • Go Flock Yourself

    <p>Chris Messina (formerly of [|CivicSpaceLabs] presented on a panel at the [|NTEN Regional San Francisco] conference called "The Next Generation of Open Source Tools". He was there to talk about [l:|Flock], a "social web browser" that he is working on. Flock seems to combine the best of, Outfoxed and blog editing aps like Eckto.</p>…

  • Hell is someone blaming it on technology

    <p>In "In an age of atomization and social fragmentation it reinforces solipsism and places the individual and that dreaded value 'choice' at the heard of the experience…it encourages people to 'tune-out' while they're occupying social space with others, as if [they] were mere irritations; and it reduces the experience of music, which in my view…

  • Data privacy here and abroad

    <p>The NYT Week in review ran an interesting article about data privacy today. I have been having ongoing conversatoins with colleagues about this kind of stuff, and was excited to see it so prominently featured in the Times.</p> <p>A few months ago at a conference=, Dan Robinson and I were talking and he asked "Imagine…

  • When Pigs Wi-Fi – New York Times

    <p>[via <a href="">When Pigs Wi-Fi – New York Times</a>]:</p> <p><cite>This kind of network is the wave of the future, and eastern Oregon shows that it's technically and financially feasible. New York and other leading cities should be embarrassed that Morrow and Umatilla Counties in eastern Oregon are far ahead of them in providing high-speed Internet…