We just finished the first Drupal Professionals Conference Call.
The Agenda was:
1) Introductions: Rep from each shop introduces and mentions
any client funded module development, or other module development that
folks might not know about (please limit to 3 to 5 minutes)
2) Discussions:
a) Drupal Pros Directory (15)
b) Drupal Camp Training (15)
c) Contributing Back to the Drupal Community (15)
d) Building shared support infrastructure for customers
3) Next Steps (planning next call, smaller working groups, etc)
We had 21 total callers according to the conference call service.
Aaron recorded these 16 attendees:
Gregory Heller, Aaron Pava, Dan Robinson, Kieran (Amazon), Omar (obicke) (and Ararcat in irc), Eric Gunderson, David Geilhufe, Kaliya, Kitt, Noel, Scott Trudeau, Laura Scott (pingv), Rich Orris (Rorris), Zack Rosen (zacker), Ted (m3avrck), John Sechrest
The notes and chat script and audio recording of the call are attached
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