Month: October 2007
CivicActions Launches
Last week, CivicActions launched a new website, The site tracks solutions to climate change. Not little stuff like changing light bulbs, but the big solutions that will have immediate and measurable impact on the pollution causing climate change: green building codes, carbon caps, increased fuel economy. The premise of the project is that American’s…
Yes Virginia, there is a perfect web page
Last night I attended a talk by Steve Krug (Don’t Make me THINK) hosted by the Puget Sound SigCHI group. Krug’s talk, a new one, was titled, “Yes, Virginia, there is a perfect web page” He focused on 2 design conventions that he believes make web pages inherently better. And while both are pretty easy…
Greenpeace KleerCut Campaign Strikes KimberlyClark again
A few months ago I blogged about the Greenpeace KleerCut Campaign targeting Kimblery Clark (maker of Kleenex and other paper products that are made of old growth timber). Well, some Greenpeace activists struck again, this time in Chicago, keep up the good work!
DrupalCon Barcelona 2007: Drupal User Group Session
Greg Knadson organized and lead a session on drupal user groups, I joined him in facilitating the session, and these are my rough notes from the session. * about a 3rd of people fit into each category (organized a dug, attended a dug, never been to one) Some numbers: * san paulo dug: 5 people…