Month: December 2005
Bushie… Heck of a Job!
<p>Paul Krugman has a great piece in the NYT yesterday [l:|unfortunately it is behind a pay-wall]. But <i>Heck of a Jon, Bushie</i> is a nice recap of all all the scandal and dissapointment and corruption flowing out of the Bush adminsitration and the Republican party.</p> <p>Krugman suggests that the President is impeachable and should be…
Socially Responsible Investing
<p>Anyone watching my bookmark feed recently has probably noticed a ton of links (well not a ton, more like 10) that I would file under [l:|finance] or [l:|social responsibility].</p> <p>I have decided that in 2006 I am going to persue some socially responsible investment. I think I'll also open up an account at the…
Washington State moves to a statewide voter database
Washington state has moved to a state wide voter database replacing the current 39 county databases. In part this is to comply with HAVA, but this article points mostly to the anti-fraud benefits like eliminating duplicate registrations, voting by dead people and felons. Perhaps the biggest benefit is that anyone doing voter outreach work in…
Drupal Guild (A Prelude)
Today I am going to begin (again) to work on the Drupal Guild proposal. I’d love folks to take a little time to look at what is on the wiki and let me know if you have anything to add at this point (just edit the wiki if you have access) or send me comments…
Unsilent Night Press
<p>A few weeks ago I participated in [l:|Unsilent Night] with my [l:| little sound truck]<br /> Well i just checked my google alerts and found that an AP story about the event ran and quoted me:</p> <p><cite><a href="/node/284">Gregory Heller, an Internet developer, drove his tricked-out tiny police patrol vehicle (one of those little buggies ticket…
What podcasts are you listening to?
Just wondering what podcasts folks are listening to. Aaron? Rich? anyone?
Gift Giving Revisited
<p>You may remember [gh:node/268|this post on the Disutility of Gift Giving] well, Gothamist has post today about [l:|gift giving] in the big apple, and the [l:|Sanitation Department's suggestions for less wasteful gift giving]. Here are their suggestions:<br /> <cite> – Give homemade gifts, such as cookies, handcrafts, or framed photos.<br /> – Give entertainment, such…
You know I hate Starbucks
<p>But some people take it a step further. A bunch of international bloggers have launched the [l:|Starbucks Challenge]. They go into starbucks and ask for the Fair Trade blend. Tunrs out they weren't having universal luck finding it.</p> <p>[l:|Here is their exchange with SB HQ].</p> <p>Regardless of what Starbucks does about their coffee purchasing, or…
Music Industry Gets hit with the Long Tail
Today’s NYT carries an article that sites further evidence that the major music labels are getting creamed by indie music and net distribution and promotion methods. In a world of broadband connections, 60-gigabyte MP3 players and custom playlists, consumers have perhaps more power than ever to indulge their curiosities beyond the music that is presented…
Face recognition on your cameraphone?
This is by way of World Changing, Jamais Cascio quotes from an article in New Scientist Technology: The concept… is based on a central server that registers details sent by the phone when the photo is taken. These include the nearest cellphone mast, the strength of the call signal and the time the photo was…