Month: July 2009

  • What Does the Yahoo!/Microsoft Search (Bing) Deal Mean For NPOs and NGOs

    If you haven’t heard yet, Microsoft and Yahoo! have inked a 10 year deal to partner on search and advertising.  You can learn more about the details of the deal, which I won’t go into here.  If the deal is approved by regulators, we could see changes in Yahoo and Bing search and advertising early…

  • Going to Gnomedex This Year

    <p>This year, for the first time since I have been in Seattle, I plan to attend <a href="">Gnomedex</a>. Unlike so many other conferences that force you to choose between sessions, adn then sometimes you can't even squeeze into the session you want, Gnomedex is a single track conference. Only one speaker at a time. ANd…