WorldChanging: Green Building Action Plan

From World Changing: California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is a bit of an enigma. He has promoted state policies that have alienated both progressives and moderates (as demonstrated by the resounding election defeat for his various initiatives), but has done more to push a green agenda than pretty much any previous governor. The latest step in his plan, the Green Building Initiative, mandates that all public buildings be 20% more efficient by 2015, and suggests regulatory incentives to get private buildings to meet that same goal (PDF). Pretty cool! To bad more governors don’t show this kind of leadership when it comes to the environment. I was just talking this week with Hope after watching The Corporation that one of the most important things to change the world would be energy efficiency and green...

Ad Council “Public Service” annoucement Discourages Activism

This has got to be one of the strangest AdCouncil ads I have every seen. The plackard reads something like “Stop Pollution” and the bottom reads something like “Saving the World Isn’t easy, saving a life is. Give Blood.” The AdCouncil is an industry/corporate financed nonprofit group that creates and places “public service announcements”. I don’t deny that there is a persitent shortage in the blood supply. But isn’t this just a tacit message that it is foolish to think that you can change the fact that big industry is polluting our planet, or even larger, that one person can change the wold? so give up, and just give blood instead? Why does the ad pit environmental and EJ activism against blood donation (or vice versa). Why not juxtapose partying every night, and spending tons of money on personal etnertainment or consumer products, or any other activity that doesn’t do anything to change the world or save lives and suggest that people maybe pay a little more attention to the world around them by: Donating Blood Getting involved in their community through environmental or social activism, mentoring, tutoring, community development. Rather than indulging themselves in gluttenous Americanism? I started poking around on the ad council website only to see that they also have an environmental conservation campaign (not much more than an ad for recycling). it seems to me that this Blood campaign undermines activism and reinforces the in the minds of disafected young people that they really can’t effect the world. Or am I being too sensitive about this. I’ve got an ad for them (they are free...

Paying for Wifi?

I recently traveled from Seattle to the Bay Area (SeaTac to OAK on Alaskan Air). I got the SeaTac early (because I could get a free ride) and figured that I would be able to find an internet hotspot there. Low and Behold, between a Starbucks and some other Coffee Company, I was told that I could connect to the internet. The service, provided by Cingular required what at first just appeared to be registration, or maybe activication if you had a Cingular account, but no! It required a payment! $10 for 24 hours at that particular location! I was in a bind and needed to get online, so I paid it, but it felt so dirty! Paying for WiFi! Shouldn’t that be a standard amenity in airports? How long are these companies going to be able to get people to pay? I would venture to guess that you could have an advertising supported WiFi service in airports that would pay for itself rather quickly. You would think that the Airports and Airlines would cover the cost of the Wifi as it gets business travelers (or rather allows them) to come to the airport earlier so that they are, in turn, ready to get on the plane and get the plane to depart on time. On landing in Oakland, I saw a sign for terminal wide wifi, “Score!” I thought. Figuring that on my return I would be able to avail myself of the Wifi. WRONG! Another service requiring payment, this time run by SprintPCS. I wasn;t about to fork over another $10 for an hour or two of...

Seattle Drupal-Camp Planning Meeting

A few of us are getting together in Seattle on Wednesday, March 15th, to start planning a DrupalCamp for Seattle! All are welcome… We’re meeting upstairs at 1:30 at Caffe Vita in Capitol Hill: So far the people attending are: – Samantha Moscheck – Gregory Heller – Jakob Perry – Mike Moscheck — Seattle Drupal Developer Meeting What: Informal gathering and planning sessions Who: Drupal developers, implementors and professionals as well as people interested in learning more about Drupal. Goals: Meet each other, network, begin planning Drupal Camp Seattle. Price: Free We’re meeting upstairs at 1:30 at Caffe Vita in Capitol Hill: Cafe Vita 1005 East Pike — As conceived of so far, The Seattle Drupal-Camp will be a 5-day long intensive training for PHP/MySQL developers with 1 day devoted to CivicCRM integration, covering topics such as: – Drupal module development – Drupal theming – Drupal module theming And potentially also something like an overview of building Drupal website and some best practices, modules to know about, etc. I think some PHP resources and exercises should be put together for folksless familiar with PHP to go through prior to the training, or something ofthat...