Seattle Drupal-Camp Planning Meeting

A few of us are getting together in Seattle on Wednesday, March 15th, to start planning a DrupalCamp for Seattle!

All are welcome…
We’re meeting upstairs at 1:30 at Caffe Vita in Capitol Hill:

So far the people attending are:
– Samantha Moscheck
– Gregory Heller
– Jakob Perry
– Mike Moscheck

Seattle Drupal Developer Meeting

What: Informal gathering and planning sessions
Who: Drupal developers, implementors and professionals as well as people interested in learning more about Drupal.
Goals: Meet each other, network, begin planning Drupal Camp Seattle.
Price: Free

We’re meeting upstairs at 1:30 at Caffe Vita in Capitol Hill:
Cafe Vita 1005 East Pike

As conceived of so far, The Seattle Drupal-Camp will be a 5-day long intensive training for PHP/MySQL developers with 1 day devoted to CivicCRM integration, covering topics such as:
– Drupal module development
– Drupal theming
– Drupal module theming

And potentially also something like an overview of building Drupal website and some best practices, modules to know about, etc.

I think some PHP resources and exercises should be put together for folksless familiar with PHP to go through prior to the training, or something ofthat nature.

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