Montana Conservation Voters Websites Launch

Last fall we began working with The Montana Conservation Voters. We just launched their new website We also launched, the site for their Education Fund. The 2006 election was a big one for Conservation Politics in Montana with the election of MCV endorsed US Senate Candidate John Tester. I am thrilled to be working with organizations like MCV that are making a real different on the ground in American politics from the very local level on up. MCV is committed to holding politicians accountable to the electorate and providing quality information to voters and Montanans about the business of...

Never too early to start your campaign

I was cleaning up my email in box today and noticed an email from Eliot Spitzer the newly minted governor of New York State. Nothing out of the ordinary there, until i went to set up a filter to stick the email (and the barrage of subsequent ones I am sure I will get) into a special folder. The “From” address was! Which was kind of odd, because the website that he was using for 2006 was (David Paterson being his running mate, and my former boss). Other than the fact that photo on the live Spitzer website is a little unflattering (probably due to the superimposed yellow background the site is in a “maintenance mode of sorts, as is the site (they are both showing the same site). Without even a blog, or news ticker. For a guy that was expected to win the general before he even qualified for the ballot, and campaign that has purchased a specific domain name for the next election 4 years off, it is kind of suprising that they weren’t ready to go with a website that lets New Yorkers get involved and stay...

Viacom makes deal with Joost, GoogTube out of the picture?

Over the weekend I read about Viacom’s efforts to fight the Youtube/Google behemoth. Today Viacom announced they have made a deal with Joost (not even in open beta yet) to distribute their content (from networks like Comedy Central and MTV). So you’ll have to wait until the summer to watch your favorite episodes of the real world. Two years ago, video on the web might have been a new and tricky thing to navigate, but today it would seem that you could get a site up before the summer time to allow people to watch video! According to the NYT article, Viacom will get a split of the ad revenues from Joost, something GoogTube was not willing to offer (or not enough?). Viacom has been diligent in requesting the removal of its content from YouTube in recent months. YouTube has let viewers know exactly why they can’t see their favorite daily show clips on the...

Volunteering in NOLA with Habitat for Humanity

A few hours ago a bunch of us got home from the 9th Ward where we volunteered with Habitat for Humanity. Aaron, Owen, Kary, Alex, Jonathan and I got up at the crack of dawn and took a cab down to 4000 N Roman Street where we got to see the beginnings of the Musicians’ Village project that Habitat has been working on. We then went a few blocks away, on (a street car named) Desire St to some infill housing to help with some security and finishing work. The houses, mostly complete still need more interior and landscaping work, and some exterior finishing. Our crew leader, Ronnie showed us the first and most important bug: the back door on one of the houses had been improperly installed. A patch had been applied in the form of a 2 x 6 screwed over the door. Owen and I removed the “patch” and began digging in to figure out what was wrong. Neither of us had ever properly installed a door, or shimmed an improperly installed door. We quickly realized that we did not have the right tools for the job, especially because the previous volunteers had stripped certain screw heads and also used the wrong screws. We told Ronnie about the problem, she took us over to the second house to screw down some front stair treads and she called for a reciprocating saw so we could cut through the stripped screw. The door was such a big issue because these houses had been broken into recently and materials were stolen. While we were assessing the door situation, Aaron...

Just Arrived in New Orleans

I just arrived in New Orleans at the Southern Comfort Bed and Breakfast. The owner Cindee gave me a lay of the land (both the house, and what’s up in the city.) I think that we’re going to have a really good time here in the Crescent City this...