Heading To DrupalCon in Chicago

<p>Next week I will be in Chicago for <a href="http://drupalcon.org">DrupalCon</a> where I am organizing <a title="Ignite DrupalCon Chicago" href="http://chicago2011.drupal.org/news/submit-your-application-ignite-drupalcon-chicago">Ignite DrupalCon</a> on Tuesday afternoon at 4:30pm.  I'll also be at the CivicActions booth (#70). So drop by and say hello.  In addition to DrupalCon, I will be at CiviCon on Monday.</p><p> </p><p>Check out this awesome widget for finding sessions, created by one of the Ignite presenters, <a href="http://light-ui.blogspot.com/">Shai Ben Yehuda</a>.</p>
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