Our friends at Chapter 3 recently launched a training program and just announced a new round of trainings in San Francisco in February. As Dries Buytaert has pointed out, with the growth of Drupal, and the increasing demand for Drupal development and site building services it is essential that more people learn to build websites with Drupal. As Dries notes, it is not just Chapter 3, but Lullabot organized the second Do It With Drupal seminar in December and is also hiring more teachers, the number of Drupal books available continues to increase, and the upcoming DrupalCon in San Francisco promises to offer a wealth of training opportunities.
If you’re interested in learning more about building websites with Drupal, I am sure that Chapter 3’s ucoming trainings are a great place to get an imersion experience.
In other news: following the successful Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit in October 2009 held in Seattle (which I helped organize and CivicActions sponsored), it is exciting to note that The Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit will move to Vancouver, BC in October of 2010.
Just 4 years ago this month CivicActions, along with Zach Rosen, began planning one of the first Drupal “Boot Camps”, with Jeff Robbins from Lullabot leading the instruction. This was before Lullabot was a leader in the Drupal training business, before Chapter 3 came into existence. Before there ever was a DrupalCamp. In four years we have come so far as a community. DrupalCamps are happening regularly all over the world, many of them larger than the DrupalCon held 4 years ago in Vancouver in conjunction with the Open Source CMS Conference (interestingly I can find no web reference to this event other than the photos that i took and uploaded to flickr, very strange).
I hope to be able to write more about an exciting continuing education program that may involve Drupal at a major state university soon. Stay tuned!