<p><a href="http://pnwdrupalsummit.org" target="_blank"><img align="left" src="http://pnwdrupalsummit.org/sites/default/files/banner-vertical.png" alt="I am going to Drupal Summit 2010 this October 2-3rd" /></a>I'm excited to head up to Vancouver in a few weeks where I'll be attending the Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit, now it its second year. I've been to Vancouver a few times, but don't feel like I have a really good handle on the city, so hopefully this time around I'll get to spend a little more time exploring, as well as hanging out with Drupalers from all over Cascadia.</p>
<p>It looks like I'll be presenting on a panel about organizing Drupal User Groups, something I have been doing for 4 years now. We're looking for others with that experience to present, so if you have organized a Drupal User group, do let me know.</p>
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