CivicActions is really excited to be a Silver Sponsor of DrupalCon San Francisco this year, and beyond our sponsorship, we’re hoping to enrich everyone’s experience with a variety of sessions proposed by our team members. Take a few minutes to check out out this awesome lineup of session proposals.
We’ve got sessions for the hard core engineering types like Owen’s Drush Speed Tour, Sumit and Aaron’s Developing Apps for Iphone and Android Using Drupal Based Systems and Stella’s Coder Module: Easily Port Modules to Drupal 7.
For project managers and technical project managers we have proposed sessions like Owen’s Leading Technical Project Teams and a panel Aaron proposed on Managing Virtual Drupal Teams
For non profit and advocacy organizations looking for more information about how they may use Drupal, or how to find a shop that can build their project Aaron has proposed How Advocacy Organizations Can Lever the Power Of Drupal, True Love: How to Find the Right Drupal Shop for Your Project. Jenn has proposed a session with one of our clients, Open Source Opens Doors: Youth Professional Non Profit Foundation Collaboration. And for a rapid-fire survey of the best in world-changing Drupal sites, Ian has proposed a head-spinning one hour tour, Drupal For Good: 50 Examples of Drupal Actually Changing the World.
I’ve proposed Ignite DrupalCon, an Ignite session consisting of 10 5-minute, 20 slide talks by people from all over the Drupal Community about diverse topics. Ignite’s slogan is “Enlighten us, but make it quick.” Slides are timed to auto advance every 15 seconds. Ignite events have taken place all over the world. I gave a talk at Ignite Seattle last summer. It’s a blast. Learn more about Ignite.
Zoey Has proposed trifecta of great sessions on strategy, planning, and usability. Write Your Own Future: Case Study as Strategic Tool will be a fantastic session about how writing a case study BEFORE developing a site can focus both the client and development team to achieve the desired results. And because we are web developers and site architects not psychics, Show Don’t tell: Guerilla Usability Testing will provide tips on how to bring usability testing and real users into the development process even when you are on a budet. In What Do Users Really Want, Zoey will talk about how to write vivid user stories and how they can help us achieve success in our web development projects.
For all those developers who are out there working as contractors and thinking about scaling up, Aaron will be on a panel with folks from ZivTech, ChapterThree and Linnovate: From Contractor To Shop, How To Make The Leap.
We hope you’ll check out these session proposal and cast your vote for them. Voting Closes on March 1st — that is next Monday!