Ethan just sent an email out to the CivicActions team about an upcoming training in using OpenOffice, the Free software desktop office suite that most of us use.
I’ve been using OpenOffice (and NeoOffice, the version available for Mac) for a number of years and have recommended it to many friends and clients. oO (as it is sometimes referred to) is a great alternative to MSO, and it can handle MS file formats.
So here is your opportunity to learn some tips and tricks from a master:
Longtime OpenOffice project volunteer Alexandro Colorado will run a free training session on Monday August 11th, 2008 at 16:00 UTC (12:00pm EST, 10:00am PST):
Learn essential tips on migrating to the platform. The talk will cover the differences and similarities of the office suite and help you overcome some of the challenges in adopting This is the first of two sessions covering the word processor and the spreadsheet.
Also, there is an User Facebook Group