Giraffe Labs (My Coworking) Space In The News

A few months ago I joined a new coworking space in Seattle, Giraffe Labs. Giraffe Labs grew out of a Seattle group called Saturday House. Well both got a mention on John Cook’s Venture Blog over at the Seattle PI.

As founder Anders Conbere was quoted:

“We believe that more collaboration will make all of our projects more successful and we’ll be smarter and happier people…”

We (at CivicActions) share this belief, and it is one of the reasons we love Drupal, the casual collaboration on making the Drupal platform better will makes all of our projects more successful, and we learn from each other and the community.

The other tag line that sticks is: “A club house for big people.” And that is really what Giraffe Labs feels like. Some interesting people getting together, working, and hanging out.

So far I have had some productive work sessions down at the Lab, and some good client meetings too. Last Saturday we had a small party and I met some interesting people working on cool things like socially responsible consumption (dollar voting), participatory democracy, and social media analysis.

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