<p>I just spent the last few hours working on websites, including this one. My task list was long: Upgrade my drupal site from 4.6.x to 5.7. I am glad to say that this is DONE! Though i still have some more work to do to clean up some collation issue that messed up my thesis. I also had to migrate from the domain gregoryheller.com/home to gregoryheller.com due to my multi site set up it seems i could not figure out the proper htaccess rewrite settings, so I did what I so often do: hacked it with the tools i know how to use: Drupal!</p>
<p>I created a view with the url "home" and another with "home/node" both take an argument so any requests coming in from old links out there should get passed through properly and people should get to the content they are looking for.</p>
<p>The other big project was to get my dad online. Fred Heller is now online! <a href="http://fredericheller.com">FredericHeller.com</a> is also a drupal site, and also using the Garland theme (had trouble finding anything else that was easy to set up and looked good without having to modify much). I also set my dad up on Facebook and LinkedIn. You can find him through his site if you are looking.</p>
<p>Back to me and mysite: I hope to get this site cleaned up a little bit more in the coming weeks, and start blogging a little bit over here again. I still blog over at <a href="http://civicactions.com" title="CivicActions Gregory Heller">CivicActions.com</a> of course!</p>
A day of website work