I’ve been down in California since Tuesday, met with Henri, did some work from Aaron’s and then went down to Yahoo in Sunnyvale for the Open Source CMS Summit (OSCMS 2007) and DrupalCON.
The crowd of developers, integrators and the like was heavily skewed towards Drupal, as were many of the sessions. Jacob was planning on presenting with Dave Greenberg on CiviCRM but due to a scheduling conflict, I stepped up and gave Jacob’s side of the presentation. Dave has blogged about it over on CiviCRM.org. As he mentions we had a surprising turnout considering we were up against Dries’s Future of Drupal talk.
During the presentation I demonstrated how we have integrated CiviCRM into AlGore.org, DefectiveByDesign.org, MTVoters.org and other sites.
I also attended Scott Trudeau’s presentation on Drupal Install profiles and was amazed at how simple it seems to start creating these. This is something i find very exciting as it may allow use to provide easy to create website “recipes” to help a wider range of organizations benefit from our work.
I was sorry that Fen wasn’t around on Friday to see Julien’s presentation on “Drupal, the Next Generation Wiki” about all the wiki functionality in Drupal Contributed Modules including Wiki Tools. It was very, very cool.
By the end of the week I should have some time to edit my video interview with Kent Bye of the Echo Chamber Project who is doing some really cool work with collaborative video editing.
Note: Thank god for FireFox 2.0, my Mac Book Pro just crashed before I had submitted this blog entry, and when I restarted, FF had saved the session and my blog entry was not lost!