Whatever business you’re in, your product’s success or failure is going to become more and more dependant on “sneezers” like me. We are not going away. We are getting more viral by the day, while other ways of spreading ideas- TV, newspapers etc- are becoming less effective by the day. (from GapingVoid.com)
This was a topic that came up during BarCampNYC: Marketing Through Social Networks. I mentioned the concept of “sneezers” and someone I was talking to asked for clarification. I talked about Seth Godin’s market distribution graph with sneezers at the very beginning followed by early adopters, etc.
I just happened to take a look at GapingVoid.com this morning and saw the post referenced above. And in a sort of snake-eating-its-tail kind of way, I am blogging about a blog post about how bloggers can spread memes and marketing messages through blog posts.
Odly though, I think I am sneezing in a near empty room.
This concept does have a tremendous implication for many of our clients. Solid strategies that take advantage of existing social networks, both on, and off-line are more important than ever. I believe (though not sure if the numbes back it up) that direct mail is loosing effectiveness, the advent and increasing popularity of time shifting television and skipping commercials along with the declining readership of traditional print media all point to the need to find new more effective ways of reaching your constituency and the public at large.
WOMA and other forms of direct contact through personal connections are essential to success.