I did my first podcasting in a while this weekend at BarCampNYC.
I used a Samson C01U studio condensor USB mic, and Audacity on my IBM power Book.
The quality varies. The condesor mic is very sensitive, and there is this weird shimmering background noise. I think the quality seems to be affected by what else is running on the laptop.
I have to get better at adjusting the settings while recording, and also figure out the best angle to talk into the mic. It seems that pointing the mic straight up in between the two people talking works best, and talking less than 2 feet from the mic.
Now I know….
Let me know what you think, post comments, or leave audio comments at 206-203-3531, it will be sent to me as a wav, I’ll encode it and post it as a comment. Just let me know in the message which entry you are commenting on.