What: Meeting of Drupal Developers, Vendors and Hobbiests
Where: EyeBeam Research and Development
540 W. 21st Street, (between 10th and 11th Avenues)
New York, NY 10011
Tel. 212.937.6581 Fax: 212.937.6582
When: Thursday, February 16th, 2006 3PM to 5:15PM (Starting Promptly at
Why: It is always good to get together and talk in person. Following
on the heals of the SF / Bay ARea Drupal Developer meeting, BarCampNYC
and the DrupalCON OSCMS CON in Vancouver, this will be an opportunity
for Drupal Developers to share meet each other, share their work and
report in on the various conferences and unconferences related to the
world of Drupal.
Preliminary Agenda:
Report from DrupalCon OSCMS CON
Module Discussions: developers talk about modules they are working on
ReBlog: EyeBeam
ForwardPledge/Track: CivicActions
Drupal Guild Discussion
Visit the Wiki for More information and to sign up!
PLEASE RSVP Space is limited to 20!