Rasiej publishes first VBlog of the campaign

<p>Advocates for Rasiej just sent out an email (6:53pm from Micah Sifry) announcing the campaigns first Video Blog, and as far as I know it is the first ever Video Blog in NYC politics. You can view the 2 minute spot [l:http://www.advocatesforrasiej.com/2005/05/24/the-start-of-our-videoblog|Here].</p> <p>In it, Andrew talks about his experience running Irving Plaza and later founding [lk:mouse.org|Mouse] a non profit that helps wire schools for the internet (an interesting aside is that in 2000 when I was fresh out of grad school I interviewed with Mouse, I can't remember if it was for a job or just informaitonal, but regardless, I never wound up working there).</p>

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