North by Northeast Interactive (a thought before bed)

<p>While listening to the interviews (in the podcasts below) I came up with an idea. I bounced it off [|Noel] and this is what we came up with:</p> <p><b>North By Northeast Interactive (NXNEI) 2006:</b></p> <ul> <li>PDF </li><li>Civic Space User Summit </li><li>nTen Regional </li><li>Penguin Day </li></ul> <p>to all piggy back on each other and time them to coincide with the [l:|TriBeca Film Festival].</p> <p>A week of geek love and parties and networking and high-order-best-thinkers and in-the-trenches-best-practices, speed geeking daily, and skills shares and more!</p> <p>What do people think? The other alternative timing is to push these conferences towards the fall and have it coincide with [lk:|CMJ] or do it over the summer and have it coincide with the [l:|HOWL! Festival]</p>

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