I just got an email from Greenpeace’s Beka Economopoulos (who I know from NYC activism circles, and of NotAnAlternative.net and Brooklyn CoWorking).
Kleenex was running some advertising shoot in Times Square where some fake shrink asks people about their deepest emotions, the campaign is called “Let It Out”. The person then begins to cry and the fake shrink gives you a tissue — err Kleenex. Well, turns out that Kimberly Clark, the Kleenex parent company makes these tissues from 100% virgin old growth trees cut from the Boreal Forests in Canada.
Greenpeace has been running the Kleercut campaign (a Drupal Site by my Web Of Change friends Eric Squair and Phil Smith) for a while now and pulling off some great actions.
You can watch the nice (if a little long) video of Greenpeace sabotaging the Kleenex commercial shoot! It’s really quite funny. The action was also covered on Gothamist, AdRants and AlterNet