Tag: imported

  • Standing Date: a Civic Space Virtual user Group meeting

    <p>Growing out of these last two conference experiences, and the NXNEI idea, what if we were to create a wednesday night virtual meeting of civicspace users. Conference call and live chat/irc.</p> <p>An opportunity for people to get questions answered in real time, to show off new sites, hacks, modules, etc…</p> <p>Proposed Agenda:</p> <ul> <li>15 minute…

  • North by Northeast Interactive (a thought before bed)

    <p>While listening to the interviews (in the podcasts below) I came up with an idea. I bounced it off [lk:nonecknoel.com|Noel] and this is what we came up with:</p> <p><b>North By Northeast Interactive (NXNEI) 2006:</b></p> <ul> <li>PDF </li><li>Civic Space User Summit </li><li>nTen Regional </li><li>Penguin Day </li></ul> <p>to all piggy back on each other and time them…

  • A slightly longer interview with Sheldon Rampton

    <p>I first met [l:http://www.prwatch.org/cmd/bios.php/Sheldon_Rampton|Sheldon Rampton] online over at [lk:civicspacelabs.org|CivicSpaceLabs] and then in person at the nTen. Sheldon has contributed some modules to drupal civicspace, my favorite being interwiki which i use ever day here on the site.</p> <p>Sheldon is the research director over at [l:http://www.prwatch.org|Center for Media and Democracy] and runs their website usign CivicSpace.</p>…

  • A Short Interview with Dan Robinson

    <p>I had the opportunity to spend some time during the PDF and the Civic Space user summit with [l: http://www.civicactions.com/index.php?topic=pool|Dan Robinson of CivicActions]. In [l:files/cs_danrob.mp3|this short interview, Dan comments on both conferences.]</p> <table id="attachments" class="sticky-enabled"> <thead><tr><th>Attachment</th><th>Size</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"><td><a href="http://home.gregoryheller.com/sites/gregoryheller.com/files/cs_danrob.mp3">cs_danrob.mp3</a></td><td>250.6 KB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

  • A Short Interview with Christian Crumlish

    <p>I had the opportunity to meet Christian Crumlish yesterday and today (well monday and tuesday, at this point). Christian is a writer for [l:http://www.personaldemocracy.com/about/#crumlish|Personal Democracy Forum] and is also author of the book [l:http://x-pollen.com/many|The Power of Many].</p> <p>Christian was a panel moderator at the PDF and was a participant at the CivicSpace User Summit. </p>…

  • Citizen Speak Development project on fundable

    <p>Jo Lee from [lk:citizenspeak.org|Citizen Speak] just put the CitizenSpeak development project (to redevelop Citizen Speak as a CivicSpace Module) on [lk:fundable.org|Fundable.Org].</p> <p>The idea is that if lots of people give many small donations towards the budget ($7000) we will be able to pay for it.</p> <p>So you can go to [l:https://www.fundable.org/groupactions/citizenspeaktocivicspace/groupaction_view|Fundable Citizen Speak Campaign]</p> <p>and…

  • StopGlobalWarming.org

    <p>Here is an advocacy campaign to stop global warming that is using the friend of a friend (FOAF) to spread the message. Interestingly, i got an email about this that i think was not sent through the website, but someone just sent me an email about it….</p> <p>[l:http://www.stopglobalwarming.org/campaigns/sgw/register/8b5895076e66f6363237564fc5e38e8d|You can go to my page on the…

  • PDF: Back Channel Chat Logs

    <p>I logged a bunch of the chat from yesterday's PDF. There was live back channel chat throughout the conference, and at many points it was shown on a big screen in the main auditorium behind the speakers. THis made for a few intesting moments when the chat overtook the presenters. But like anything else there…

  • PDF: Municipal Wifi

    <p>I have blogged about this before, bu ti just got out of the session on Muni Wifi with Andre Raseij and Dianah Neff from Philadelphia.</p> <p>The conversation was interesting, and hopeful, the big take away was that if we don't fight for muni wifi, the telcos are going to lobby to take it away, or…

  • PDF: Andrew Rasiej

    <p>Remember it is pronounced "Row-Shay"…</p> <p>Andrew gave the introduction this morning for the conference and for the Key Note Speaker, Scott Heiferman of MeetUp.com (<em> y'all know the url, I'm not giving them a link, you can go to upcomming.org for all your meetup calendar/invite need</em>)</p> <p>Besides the usually plesentries of thanking attendees, presenters and…