Tag: import, archive, gregoryheller.com
NTEN: Putting feet on the virtual (and real) street
<p>This session includied GReg Nelson from CTSG and Sheeraz from Get Active and Adam from move.on. The talk is ranging around from The MoveOn Bake sales to get active's clients work. I didn't find much take aways from this, other than that when you do virtual organizing you need to do LOTS of meat space…
NTEN: Lunch at the Civic Space Table
<p>Just got done with lunch. We had a civicspace table that was bursting at the seems. I didn;t talk much about CivicSpace, but did have an interesting conversion with some folks (Sheldon from <A href="http://www.prwatch.org/" target="_blank">Center For Media and Democracy</a>) about media and fake news, parking, suvs and running a campaign to make suv owners…
NTEN: Not Your Mom's Intranet
<p>This session used the case of EngenderHealth and YMCA of USA intra/extra nets. In both cases these were major custom built systems. Forum One communications moderated and also showed their system.</p> <p>YMCA USA has a ratio of 5 users to 1 content editor.</p> <p>Both orgs have some folks dedicated in large part to manage the…
NTEN: Mena wrap up
<p>"Blogs are good"<br /> "Blogs are easy"<br /> "Blogs are cheap"</p> <p>Blogs can give instant info about your organization to the poeple who are interested.</p> <p>"Six Apart is a small company" yet they have 80 employees and have offices in US, Paris and Tokyo.</p> <p>I think that we could have set up civicspace and started…
NTEN: join the live chat
<p>Join the live chat at <a href="http://www.gregoryheller.com/chat" title="http://www.gregoryheller.com/chat">http://www.gregoryheller.com/chat</a><br /> Select "for text only browsers"<br /> rather than the Optimized (firewall)</p>
NTEN: Mena Trott Keynote
<p>Mena just told us that she dropped her computer and wasn't able to review her speech until last night. She is going to talk about weblogs and blogging for non profits.</p> <p>She is a donor to nonprofits, link her life by giving time money or combo of both. Gives more money than time. To causes…
PDF Conference Pricing out those who need it
<p>I just got an email imploring me to register eearly for the PDF conference. I thoroughly enjoyed last years PDF conference, and found it very valuable. I clicked through to see <a href="http://www.personaldemocracy.com/conference" target="_blank">more info</a> about the event and was shocked to see the price: $225 with the early bird discount $295 general admission. </p>…
Pols should blog
<p>Today's dailyKos <a href="http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/3/14/105147/914" title="http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/3/14/105147/914">http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/3/14/105147/914</a><br /> runs a story about SF Supervisor Daily and his blog <a href="http://www.chrisdaly.org/site/bdsupvrs_page.asp?id=30418" title="http://www.chrisdaly.org/site/bdsupvrs_page.asp?id=30418">http://www.chrisdaly.org/site/bdsupvrs_page.asp?id=30418</a></p> <p>Kos writes<br /> <cite>But there is a deeper significance to Daly's blogging — he's using the technology to get around the media filter to communicate directly with his constituents. No need to call a press conference,…
PodCast Comments to Electeds
<p>Brian Russell over at <a href="http://www.audioactivism.org" target="_blank">Has been coming up with some good use-cases for "podcasting", like <a href="http://www.audioactivism.org/2005/02/26/slapcastcom-and-activism-send-podcast-audio-to-politicians/" target="_blank">this one</a>. It might be a misnomer to really call this stuff podcasting, rather it is using audio technology over the internetto deliver message to politicians. Brian suggests using telephone to mp3 services to let voters…
NATIONAL JOURNAL: American Politics In The Networking Era
<p>I picked this up off Marty Kearns's Blog. I haven't finished reading the Barrone article yet but couldn't wait to pos tthis to the blog. As Marty Said, Barrone is far more eloquent than I could be on the topic at this hour, so all i will add is this: If the left doesn't start…