Tag: gregoryheller.com

  • Slashdot | CA Sec. of State Panel on Open Source Elections

    <p>[via <a href="http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/09/28/1955256">Slashdot | CA Sec. of State Panel on Open Source Elections</a>]:</p> <p><cite>"The Open Voting Consortium has announced that California Secretary of State Bruce McPherson is forming a panel to investigate using open source software in elections. Suggested Panel members include Security expert Bruce Perens and Python guru David Mertz who is associated with…

  • Make it stop! The city noise is getting to me

    <p>After a week in the quiet of Cortes island, the construction crew working a few floors above me is a little unbearable!</p>

  • More Hallway than conference (without the hallways!)

    <p>Jason Mogus said of the [lk:webofchange.org|Web of Change] (in quoting a past participant) that it is more hallway than conference room. That would be correct if there were hallways (or conference rooms for that matter). The designed sessions were really just jumping off points for amayzing interactions between individuals and small groups. Looking back it…

  • A different World

    <p>It is going to be hard to blog about the experience of attending the [lk:webofchange.org|web of change], and it might take a whgile to tease out some of the professional lessons to be learned from all the conversations, but I'll try.</p> <p>First: when you take a bunch of people out of their environments and place…

  • Blogging from Web Of Change, Cortes Island, B.C. CA

    <p>I am sitting here looking out over the Giorgia Straights from [l:http://maps.google.com/maps?q=cortes+island,+Canada&ll=50.111552,-124.981842&spn=0.086802,0.227657&t=k&hl=en|Cortes Island] in British Columbia, Canada for [lk:webofchange.org|The Web Of Change] conference.</p> <p>So far the conference has been woderful. I have met some very interesting people and heard about many interesting projects and concepts.</p> <p>The land is beautiful. The food is superb. I don't…

  • NYC Election Night Recap

    <p>AS some of you may know I have been doing a fair amount of work (volunteer) for Rosie Mendez, after having provided some data services and a civicspace website at the beginning of the year.</p> <p>Well, Rosie, the grass roots, progressive candidate in a crowded 7 candidate field won a decisive victory with 36% of…

  • Berkeley Daily Planet: Doing Well By Doing Good

    <p>[via <a href="http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/article.cfm?issue=09-06-05&storyID=22242">Berkeley Daily Planet</a>]:</p> <p><cite>Poole likens CivicActions to a virtual company. "Ther's no bricks and mortar at all. We have no property, no stuff," he said.</cite></p> <p><cite>Each member has connected to the others by Internet telephone, text messaging, computers and other gear, and the team members are expert at — you guessed it —…

  • Open Letter to Bush from Michael Moore

    <p>Friday, September 2nd, 2005</p> <p>Dear Mr. Bush:</p> <p>Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane Katrina and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be airlifted. Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers? Do you need help finding them? I once lost my car in…

  • The Most Brutal Truth (about NOLA)

    <p><a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/interdictor/" title="http://www.livejournal.com/users/interdictor/">http://www.livejournal.com/users/interdictor/</a><br /> This guys is blogging and taking pictures and running chat and web cam abnout what is happening in New Orleans.</p> <p>It is just unbelievable. Perhaps FEMA should tune in.</p> <p>[l:http://www.livejournal.com/users/interdictor]</p>

  • Our Government has Failed New Orlineans

    <p>This is not a recrimination about how the levvy's should have been built stronger (they should have) or how Army Corpe of Engineers' budget should not have been cut (it should not hae been)./ This post is about people clinging to rooftops 4 days after the flood waters began pouring in. This post is about…