Author: gregoryheller
Why I Wish I Was Going To The Social Tech Training
When I heard about the Social Tech Training being organized by our friends over at Web Of Change it sounded awesome. As the agenda and speakers came out, my expectations were confirmed.
Unsubscribe Me: Amnesty International’s Anti Tourture Campaign
Amnesty International has a really powerful campaign up right now called “Unsubscribe Me” (from the “war on terrorism’s” torture practices).
One Week With Panels 2 Beta 3
What follows is a slightly edited stream of emails i sent to one of our internal lists as I dove into Panels 2 Beta 3 last week. I hope to glean a more concise set of instructions and recommendations from this experience, but figured in the spirit of “Release early, release often” I would post…
Training Six Hour Startup On Drupal
Yesterday Robin Barre and I spent some time down at the Saturday House in SoDo (in Seattle) training folks involved in Six Hour Startup on Drupal for an upcoming project called SiteFinder. SiteFinder will be a community maintained listing service for available office space geared towards startups.
A day of website work
<p>I just spent the last few hours working on websites, including this one. My task list was long: Upgrade my drupal site from 4.6.x to 5.7. I am glad to say that this is DONE! Though i still have some more work to do to clean up some collation issue that messed up my thesis.…
Module Monday: Create Content Block
Today’s Module Monday is a quick one. I can’t believe that for so long so many people have lived with the “node/add” page or the “Create Content” menu items as the primary way to add a new node to a Drupal site — I can’t believe I put up with this for so long! Well,…
DrupalCon Boston 2008 Notes from Communication Cooperation Collaboration
I want to thank all the folks who participated in the session “Communication, Cooperation, Collaboration: Can Drupal Shops Work Together”, based on the conversation during the session, and subsequently during the remainder of the conference that answer is, “Yes, we can, and we must.” What follows are notes from the session which thanks to Robin…
See You at DrupalCon and My Session “Communication, Cooperation, Collaboration”
On Sunday night I fly out to Boston for DrupalCon. Four full days of sessions and meeting sand social events, I get a little overwhelmed just thinking about it. Which is why I am taking a moment right now to post a blog about my session on Monday at 1:30pm, “Communication, Collaboration, Cooperation: Can Drupal…
Technical Tuesday: Aliasing Your Site’s Email Address
Recently I had a client who was irked by the way the “from” email address for messages sent by the subscriptions module appeared in users’ inboxes.
The Way We Work: Chris Fassnacht
As promised last week, here is part two of “The Way We Work” with Chris Fassnacht and Stephanie Pakrul. Gregory: Have you worked remotely before working for CivicActions? Chris: Not really. I was doing some remote contract work for a couple of months before starting to work with CA, but for the most part I’ve…