Author: gregoryheller
Getting Ready for NTEN NTC: Working With Open Source Vendors and Software
On Friday I’ll be running a session at the 2010 Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) hosted by the Nonprofit Technology Entrepreneurs Network, or NTEN. My session “Working With Open Source Software and Vendors” will feature a few panelists with different perspectives on the topic.
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
<p><a title="Sign Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Petition" href=""><img src="/sites/" alt="Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" hspace="10px" vspace="10px" width="135" height="120" align="left" /></a>Anyone who knows me well enough to have eaten over at my house, or had me cook at theirs knows that I am a bit of a Jamie Oliver nut. I've got nearly all of his cookbooks,…
Six Tips For Writing Better Web Content
This article covers some common tips to improve the quality of your content both for your audience and for search engines. It expands on our earlier Content Strategy and SEO Strategy articles.
Thomas Friedman Doesn't Get It, Clean Coal is Impossible
<p>Sunday's NYT brings with it (nearly every week) <a href="">Thomas Friedman's column</a>. Each week an opportunity for me to get frustrated and angry at Friedman. I've often joked that I am going to start critiquing every column, calling attention to his mixed metaphors and verbose prose.</p> <p>While I haven't gotten around to the weekly critique,…
CivicActions Team DrupalCon San Francisco 2010 Sessions – Vote Now
CivicActions is really excited to be a Silver Sponsor of DrupalCon San Francisco this year, and beyond our sponsorship, we’re hoping to enrich everyone’s experience with a variety of sessions proposed by our team members. Take a few minutes to check out out this awesome lineup of session proposals.
WYSIWYG Tips And Tricks
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors can be tricky to configure properly, and most clients have to have them, for good reason too, who wants to hand code html? In this short post I’ll explain a few tips and tricks to get your WYSIWYG configuration dialed in. For starters you will want…
Upgrading CiviCRM from 2.x to 3.x Tips And Tricks
I recently upgraded CiviCRM for one of our clienst from 2.1.4 to 3.0.4 and learned a few tips that I’ll share. In most cases you just need to be sure to follow the instructions that CiviCRM provides and make all the intermediate upgrades along the way. But In doing so, I ran into some frustrating…
More Drupal Training Opportunities And A Look Back
Our friends at Chapter 3 recently launched a training program and just announced a new round of trainings in San Francisco in February. As Dries Buytaert has pointed out, with the growth of Drupal, and the increasing demand for Drupal development and site building services it is essential that more people learn to build websites…
How Effective Is Your Tagline: The Non Profit Tagline Report
Aaron recently shared The Non Profit Tagline Report from with me and I immediately though this is a report that more people need to see. The report offers up a series of really great recommendations for crafting a tagline, as well as a checklist for evaluating exiting taglines. To top it off, the report…
We’re Giving Away A Free Ticket To She’s Geeky
Both Ian and Jenn have recently blogged about our sponsorship and planned attendance at the upcoming She’s Geeky unconference at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California January 29th and 30th (that’s nex