Author: gregoryheller
Drupal Wins Overall 2007 Open Source CMS Award
Last week Packt Publishing announced Drupal as the winner of the OVerall Best Open Source CMS. From the announcement:
Apple’s environmental consciousness
I had a recent mishap involving a cup of tea and a keyboard. So i had to buy a new one. Thus began a bit of an odyssey then ended at the SaturdayHouse in SoDo with a big box and this video:
Rolling Interview with Noel Hidalgo (
This weekend I had the pleasure of a visit from everyon’es favorite roving gnome, Noel Hidalgo (NoNeck) from who has ben traveling for a bit over 120 days so far on his opensource journey around the world. You can help support Noel’s travels and an travails as he collects video for his documentary and…
CivicActions Launches
Last week, CivicActions launched a new website, The site tracks solutions to climate change. Not little stuff like changing light bulbs, but the big solutions that will have immediate and measurable impact on the pollution causing climate change: green building codes, carbon caps, increased fuel economy. The premise of the project is that American’s…
Yes Virginia, there is a perfect web page
Last night I attended a talk by Steve Krug (Don’t Make me THINK) hosted by the Puget Sound SigCHI group. Krug’s talk, a new one, was titled, “Yes, Virginia, there is a perfect web page” He focused on 2 design conventions that he believes make web pages inherently better. And while both are pretty easy…
Greenpeace KleerCut Campaign Strikes KimberlyClark again
A few months ago I blogged about the Greenpeace KleerCut Campaign targeting Kimblery Clark (maker of Kleenex and other paper products that are made of old growth timber). Well, some Greenpeace activists struck again, this time in Chicago, keep up the good work!
DrupalCon Barcelona 2007: Drupal User Group Session
Greg Knadson organized and lead a session on drupal user groups, I joined him in facilitating the session, and these are my rough notes from the session. * about a 3rd of people fit into each category (organized a dug, attended a dug, never been to one) Some numbers: * san paulo dug: 5 people…
What Makes Websites Work? Bringing Information Architecture into the Drupal Development Process
Zoey and I had the opportunity to co-present a session on information architecture and the Drupal development process at DrupalCon in Barcelona this past week. Ron helped us prepare conceptualize the presentation which we gave on Friday in the PickTeck room to a fairly large crowd. There were many good questions from the audience, and…
“Drupal Simple Tested”
Earlier today I, and a few others from CivicActions, attended a session at DrupalCon on building a Drupal Specific QA team. The presentation really focused on the existing resources for testing, simple test, selenium, etc…
CivicActions Session Proposals for DrupalCon Barcelona 2007
A number of CivicActioneers (my self included) have proposed sessions for the upcoming DrupalCon in Barcelona (September 19-22). Almost the entire team will be traveling to Spain a week early for our 3rd annual European Fall Retreat, so we’ll have plenty of time to polish our sessions and get input from the team. Here is…