Month: July 2005
While we were sleeping, World War 3 started…
<p>Daniel Shore pointed out on NPR this morning that all the articles on the front page of today's NYT aboce the fold are about Terrorism.</p> <p>As i have been consuming media over the last 2 weeks since the London Bombings, I have been thinking about terrorism and te violence in the world and what we…
Schundler's Software to Mobilize Other Candidates' Armies | Personal Democracy Forum
<p>[via <a href="">Schundler%u2019s Software to Mobilize Other Candidates' Armies | Personal Democracy Forum</a>]:</p> <p><cite>%u201CIf you%u2019re offering a service why would you limit your client base?%u201D he asks rhetorically, asserting, %u201CIt would be foolish to cut out clients solely because of their affiliation.%u201D</cite> </p><p>Hmmmmm Brett, maybe you would limit yourself because you are an ideologically motivated…
ICE: In Case of Emergency
<p>[l:|This is an interesting article about using a mobile phone to store emergency contact information.]</p> <p><cite>[l:|By entering the acronym ICE – for In Case of Emergency – into the mobile’s phone book, users can log the name and number of someone who should be contacted in an emergency.]</cite></p>
Interesting Happenstance
<p>Last week I was demo-ing [|CiviCRM] to someone. I searched on a fairly common name (it was the name of the person i was meeting with, and I had just entered their record) and among the records returned was one for an employee of a major proprietary web and communication services firm. My assumption was…
Feeling the rythmic oscillation (of the Social Source ecosystem)
<p>David Geilhufe writes on his Social Source Software blog:</p> <p><cite>[l:|This emergent Social Source ecosystem has already begun rhythmic oscillation… PicNet and CivicActions are starting to use the technology for customers and are increasingly communicating with the partners with the strong links (CivicSpace Labs and Social Source Foundation). Over time, if enough actors join the system,…
<p>I have just started reading [l:|Blink] by Malcom Gladwell (first read about it on [l:|Ed Batista's blog] and so far I am blown away. I love it.</p> <p>I may post some impressions about it. I also still have to post some impressions from [l:|Free Culture] by Larry Lessig.</p>
Specter-Leahy Data Security Bill
<p>If I were more informed on the matter, i would offer my analysis or opinion, but at this point I am not, however i think this email fwdd by a [l:|coworker (Fen)] seems pretty on point.</p> <p>From Fen:<br /> <cite><br /> I've included some of my commentary on the bottom, sent earlier to the Identity…