Month: April 2005

  • OC-Tech: Grassroots Technology and the emergin progressive movement

    <p>So i was just taking notes on this entire session and i lost them. I am fooling and really should write in a word doc and then cut and paste into my blog. The good news is you are not going to get my near transcript like notes of the session and you will get…

  • OC-Tech: Micah Sifry key note

    <p>Micah has started his keynote by saying that he would like this to be an anti keynote. His one requirement was that there be real time chat.</p> <p>Democracy in america is changing. Organic and federated organizations don't exist anymore.</p> <p>Politics is top down (command and control) and driven by elites (focus groups tested, mass media…

  • NTEN NTC Podcast: Dan Robinson on Tagging

    <p>So here it is. The first in the long awaited series of podcasts from the NTEN NTC conference. I'm sorry that they have taken me so long to get underway, I have some good excuses. I have been renovating my apartment and living out of my brother's house with not even a desk to rest…

  • More on the Stratellite

    <p>So i have been talking about [l:|Stratellites] since i first read about them. Aparently SansWire just unveiled their first craft. The idea behind these things (they are unmanned derrigibles that float above the jet stream in the stratosphere) is that they are way cheaper than satellites, and the that they can be launched quickly and…

  • FOAF: My Head is spinning

    <p>My coworker [|Noel] asked me if I knew what [del:FOAF] was. So I began to look it up. FOAF stands for Friend of a Friend and it is a machine readable language for describing identity and relationships on the web.</p> <p>My head is spinning after reading a few articles and visiting a bunch of sites.…

  • More flies with honey:

    <p>[l:|GreenGuide] the creator of the [l:|Fix It Apple] web campaign looks like a great resource of information about environmental issues. </p> <p>I say "looks like" because at every click i am thwarted by "premium membership" screens. And while i recognize that it can't be cheap to run a website like theirs, I would like to…

  • My Thoughts on The Three Pillars of Social Source

    <p>I am in the process of reading [l:|"The Three Pillers of Social Source"]. And instead of waiting until the end to blog it (because who knows how long it will take me to get there–I have had the window up in my browser for the last two weeks– I figured I would just start now.<br…

  • New Paradigms in non-profit software development

    <p>Picked this up from [l:|David Geilhufe]<i><br /> </i><i><br /> We think the future is a network of commercial and nonprofit entities that drive an open source community that develops software. We think nonprofits need to:</i></p> <p> 1. Act faster than they have ever acted before in adopting alien technologies and business models (open source).<br />…

  • Copyright and the Grokster case

    <p>Just read this <a title="Article" target="_blank" href="">article </a>about the Grockster / MGM case, really interesting to read the comments of the justices like this "If I started a business now, how do I know how to proceed?" he asked.<br /> "If I'm a new inventor, I'm going to get sued right away." from Scalia and…