Author: gregoryheller
Henry Poole Quoted on Web Security For Political Campaigns
Our very own Henry Poole was quoted in a PC World article on Barack Obama’s web security:
The Way We Work: Tweeting, Twining, Tumbling – Social Media and New Web Services
Recently I’ve been looking into new web2.0 and, I guess web3.0, and social media trends – sites and services that are popping up like mushrooms after a rain. I’ve found many interesting one and wanted to share a few, and at the same time ask that if you know of anything really cool that you…
Tech Tuesday: Clean URLS In CiviCRM Or How To Use Menus to Link to CiviCRM Forms
Ron asked me for a little help on a side project where he was having trouble adding a link to a CiviCRM contribution form to a primary navigation menu. This is a pretty common requirement: you want a “donate now” link in your primary nav. You are using CiviCRM for donations. You figure, “I’ll just…
Flying Apron got nuttin' on Baby Cakes!
<p>This morning I decided i would drop into <a href="">flying apron vegan bakery</a> after grbbing a cup of coffee at stickman (both in Fremont). I've been to flying apron before, and was not really impressed with their sweet treats, but i figured i would give it another try, maybe I just didn't get a good…
The Top Modules On My List
At the Vancouver DrupalCamp there were, of course, the inevitable questions about what modules people use regularly. Boris suggested at one point that people should add to the growing body of information out there about popular modules. So here is my short list of modules i use on nearly EVERY site: CCK, plus various cck…
DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008: Information Architecture Slide Deck
Attached you’ll find the latest revision of “my” IA presentation at DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008. This presentation has been evolving since DrupalConBarcelona.
DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008: Panels 2 Slide Deck
Attached you’ll find my slide deck from Your Introduction to Panels 2. This was a really fun talk to present, and the room was packed. I hope people found it useful and if you attended and have any feedback, please let me know so i can sharpen the presentation for DrupalCamp Seattle.
DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008: CivicActions Sessions Selected
Earlier this weekDrupalCamp Vancouver Sessions were announced and 2 by CivicActioners were among them. Robin’s session on “Introduction To Module Development” will be on Friday and 2pm. I heard Robin give a this talk for Six Hour Startup folks a few weeks ago, and even though I am no developer, it sounded great and others…
Burma Can’t Wait
On Sunday I hear with much sadness about the Cyclone that hit the Irrawady Delta in Burma. With each day the news gets worse. Some 22,000 Burmese presumed dead. Sometimes an event happens that in an instant captures the attention of the world, while even larger tragedies go unnoticed for decades. Such is the case…
On Language and Usability and Panels 2
It is well documented/recognized that Drupal is really not very good at picking and sticking with a nomenclature that makes sense to the un-indoctrinated. The recent user testing at UMN made that pretty clear. As the person on the team who is often working on the configuration of a website and running into the language…