Author: gregoryheller
I'm Attending Inbound Marketing University in June
<p>One of the things I do for <a href="">CivicActions</a> is run the marketing group. Aside from marketing CivicActionn via our blog, twitter, conference attendance, and other events, I also help our clients with social media strategy, listending campaigns and content strategy. I'm also an <a href="">SEOMoz Pro</a> member, and just heard about the Inbound Marketing…
CivicActions Recommended Directory Structure For Drupal Hosting
At the Seattle Drupal User Group meeting tonight I gave a short presentation on the directory structure that we like to use at CivicActions. Some people asked if I would post my slide deck explaining the directory structure, so here it is.
Smashing Magazine on Web Design Best Practices for Non Profits: Cited!
Smashing Magazine posted a really great “best practices” piece about web design for non profits. They then provided 20 examples of great non profit websites, among them, two CivicActions clients, Amnesty International, of which they said: The Amnesty International site makes great use of color, including a bright yellow header and accents mixed with shades…
Information and Presentation Design: Gleanings From a Course With Edward Tufte
I recently had the opportunity to take Edward Tufte’s one day course, Presenting Data and Information. Tufte is the master of the subject, and everything I’ve heard about his course was positive, I can now concur and recommend that anyone interested in data visualization and usability should take this course of you have the chance,…
Creating A Basic User Profile: Tips and Tricks
We’ve created many sites with user profiles, and every site seems to have a few differences, but there are certain best practices which I would like to share. Module Requirements This article concerns user profiles in Drupal 6, and recommends that you have the following modules installed: CCK Content Profile Auto Node Title Filefield (optional)…
JustCause Launches Digital Magazine with Zinio
Our client JUST CAUSE just launched their magazine, but digitally! Back in 2007 we worked with the Seattle based team behind JustCause to create a social media and networking website for people working to make their communities and the wold a better place. From their announcement: JUST CAUSE Magazine is now available to you in…
Funding the WiserEarth API: CivicActions Offers Matching Donation
I like many others was completely blown away by Paul Hawken’s Blessed Unrest. The last 3rd of the book is a compendium of non profit and non governmental organizations around the world that are working on social justice, human rights, sustainability, environmental and indigenous people’s issues as well as many others. Hawken’s describes these groups…
Using Twitter For Activism
I’ve previously written about how organizations can start Tweeting, and last week found a great primer on using Twitter for Activism. The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism is a concise and informative guide that any organization looking to evaluate or deploy a Twitter strategy should read. While it is geared towards activism I think…
3 Interesting Articles About Non Profits, Their Websites and Donations
This week I came across three interesting articles that deal with non profits, website usability and donations. Taken together, I think they can be useful and instructive to non profit organizations working on developing new websites or optimizing existing websites and communication strategies.
What Sessions Will You Attend at the NTEN NTC? Use This Downloadable Matrix To Decide!
It seems that every year there are more and more sessions at the NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC), and it is harder and harder to decide which sessions to attend.