Author: gregoryheller
Review: Drupal 6 Site Blueprints From Packt Publishing
A few weeks ago Packt Publishing sent me Drupal 6 Site Blueprints to review… and then things got kind of busy for me. Over the holiday I’ve taken some time to read through it, and unfortunately, i would not feel comfortable recommending this book for reasons I will enumerate below.
/open, It Is Not Just A Web Page, It’s One Of Our Core Values
Last week, President Obama’s administration released the Open Government Directive, or OGD, directing all federal government agencies to publish information online in an open format that can be retrieved, downloaded, indexed, and searched by commonly used web search applications. The Open Government Directive outlines these three core values:
A Conceptual Roadmap for Ubercart CiviCRM Integration
With the D7UC Initiative gaining steam and excepting brainstorming ideas, I figured it was a good time to map out my idea for Ubercart and CiviCRM integration. I realize that many may cringe at the mention of uniting these two applications, for all their complexities, yet I see it as critically important for many non…
Installing Drush On Dreamhost
Outside of CivicActions I host some sites for friends and family on Dreamhost. I’ve always had a decent experience with DH for the kinds of sites I am talking about, especially for the price. Today I decided to get Drush installed. The first thing I did was ask on the drupal-seattle IRC channel if anyone…
Blog Action Day: What Isn’t Measured Can’t Be Managed
It is ironic that I write this while traveling from Seattle to New York by airplane. Three years ago I set out to measure my carbon footprint from air travel. Back in 2007 I clocked nearly 70,000 miles and a carbon footprint on the order of 25 tons of CO2. In 2008 the number dropped…
CivicActions Sponsors Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit
In just over a week, over 150 Drupaleers will gather in Seattle Washington for the first Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit.
Voting on NTEN NTC Sessions for 2010
I just took some time to review all, ALL of the 10 pages of sessions proposed for the 2010 Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) organized by the Nonprofit Technology Entrepreneurs’ Network (NTEN). There are some great proposed sessions, and I encourage everyone who is considering attending to take the time to review and vote on the…
Site upgraded to Drupal 6
<p>It may or may not be obvious to you, but I upgraded my site recently to Drupal 6, I used the Acquia distribution of drupal, figuring it had a bunch of modules i was going to use, and then I added a few more that were not included. I could have just downloaded all the…
Blog Actions Day 2009: October 15th
<p><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" align="left" /></a> I just signed up for Blog Action Day 2009. The topic is Climate Change, or as some are starting to call it: Climate Disruption. My actualy blog post will probably be filed on <a href="">The CivicActions blog</a>, but I'll be sure to copy it hear as well.</p> <p>I…
Slide Deck: Free Tools To Set Up Your Listening Strategy
Yesterday I gave a presentation at Seattle NetTuesday (originally mentioned here). The presentation went really well.