Ignite DrupalCon Chicago Line Up

For the first time Ignite is coming to DrupalCon! We have a short slot on the Day Stage, Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 and will feature nine Ignite Talks. Ignite talks are strictly limited to five minutes, and twenty slides, that advance automatically every 15 seconds.

In no particular order, the presenters will be:

  • Hello, Drupal? Building Drupal sites that make and receive phone calls – Leo Burd MIT Center for Future Civic Media http://www.voipdrupal.org
  • A Shot In The Arm – Greg Dunlap of NodeOne http://nodeone.se 
  • 0 to 1M+ in 24hrs: The Queensland Flood Respons – Ryan Cross of CrossFunctional http://crossfunctional.net
  • The short history of the barcode – Scott Falconer of JAGTAG http://www.jagtag.com
  • Drupal Faster with Eclipse – Rich Yumul of Sage Tree Solutions http://www.sagetree.net
  • Using WYSIWYG Editors in a Microsoft Word World – Thomas MacLean of NorthPoint Solutions LLC. http://thomasmaclean.com
  • Being the best at giving the worst talk ever – Kitt Hodsden  http://ki.tt
  • Driving the user experience of Drupal via Drupal Gardens – Jeff Noyes of Acquia http://www.acquia.com
  • Low Footprint UI – Shai Ben-Yehuda of ArtwareSoft http://www.artwaresoft.com
I was overwelmed by the 28 submissions (even on short notice) for Ignite talks, and wish that there was more time to feature more talks.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit a talk, and hopefully at the next DrupalCon we will be able to have more time.

You can find out about more fun stuff happening at DrupalCon in this post from George Demet.

If you want to learn more about Ignite, and see talks from around the world, check out IgniteShow.com (a Drupal Site, built originally by Lullabot). Some Ignite History: The first Ignite event was held in 2006 in Seattle, Washington, sponsored by O’Reilly and MAKE magazine. O’Reilly has continued to support Ignite but each Ignite is independently organized at the local level. Ignite events take place in hundreds of cities each year. You can also subscribe to the Ignite Podcast on iTunes.

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