Tag: imported

  • iPod Linux!

    <p>It is raining here in New York City. So I decided to upgrade my iPod software, completely restore the devise (removing all my music) and install [l:http://ipodlinux.org/Main_Page|iPod Linux]! I was daunted at first, only because i skipped over the part about [lk:ipodlinuxinstl.sourceforge.net|the gui installer] and tried to use some command line mojo (which if you…

  • Open Source: Now It's an Ecosystem

    <p>[via <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/oct2005/tc2005103_0519_tc_218.htm">Open Source: Now It's an Ecosystem</a>]:</p> <p><cite>A new open-source ecosystem is emerging. While a big push is on to develop more applications, the movement is much broader: Tech-services companies are popping up to jump-start adoption of all of this open-source software. </cite> </p><p>This is an interesting article about venture capital and open source…

  • "Holy Web2.0 Batman!" Next Up: Google Office?

    <p>[via <a href="http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3553371" target="_blank">Next Up: Google Office?</a>]:</p> <p><cite>Google already offers Gmail users plenty of storage for their e-mail archives. If it extended that storage to other kinds of documents that were generated in conformance with the OpenDocument standard, and then combined that with a Web-based productivity suite to connect users to their stored information via…

  • Hit and Run

    <p>[via <a href="http://www.reason.com/hitandrun/2005/10/corporate_socia.shtml">Hit and Run</a>]:</p> <p><cite>In our October ish, we had Whole Foods CEO John Mackey duking it out with Milton Friedman and Cypress Semiconductor CEO (and Blessed Nun Basher) TJ Rodgers about the social responsibility of business. In today's Wash Post, columnist Steve Perlstein namechecks that "spirited debate" and then weighing into the fray…

  • "It's Not Sexy Being Green (yet)"

    <p>[l:http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/02/fashion/sundaystyles/02conserve.html|This article] ran in the Sunday Style Section of the NYT. Just another subtle way that conservation is almost mocked as a means to alleviate our environmental and energy woes– it is not a real news story, rather a story about how conservation needs to be made sexy. An interesting article none the less, makes…

  • "More Than Business as Usual"

    <p><cite>[l:http://www.commarts.com/ca/coldesign/johE_289.html|Why form a cooperative? One argument is that organizations owned by the communities they serve are more accountable, and can emphasize service over profit. When employees govern their own workplace, they can design a happier, stable and more equitable work environment.]</cite></p> <p><cite>[l:http://www.commarts.com/ca/coldesign/johE_289.html|But there’s also the value of organizing according to one’s ideals. Though we are…

  • Anytown, USA

    <p>I recently spent an afternoon in Baltimore MD. I was near the [l:http://www.aqua.org|aquarium], and looking around, I commented that with an ESPN Zone, Barnes & Noble, Chipotle a "national attraction" like the aquarium, and a waterfront view…. I could have been anywhere: South Street Sea Port in NY, Navy Pier in Chicago, Fisherman's Warf in…

  • WOC: Kris Krug and Co. Talk about blogging

    <p>In this short mp3, Kris Krug of Bryght (mostly) talks to Donna Morton, Hope Rippeon, Sarah Pulman and others about organizations blogging as a way to get message out and bring members in.<br /> <img src="http://static.flickr.com/26/47241794_97472e00f1.jpg" width="360" /></p> <table id="attachments" class="sticky-enabled"> <thead><tr><th>Attachment</th><th>Size</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"><td><a href="http://home.gregoryheller.com/sites/gregoryheller.com/files/woc1_blogging.mp3">woc1_blogging.mp3</a></td><td>611.05 KB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

  • Join the Party Party

    <p>My friend [lk:http://saucycowboy.com|Mark King] Just sent me this link to [l:thepartyparty.com|ThePartyParty.com] The site features about 8 amayzing mashup style tracks that remind me of [lk:http://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/EBN.html|Emergency Broadcast Network (EBN)] an alternative art/media/video culture jamming group that was active in the mid 1990's, i cannot find a link directly to them ([lk:http://fusionanomaly.net/ebn.html|this seems pretty close]).</p> <p>Anyway, these…

  • Bal Tekkia: Shofar Idol

    <p>So, one of the more interesting things that I do every year, that usually surprises and confuses folks who know me, is blow the Shofar during the High Holidays at Pleasantville Community Synagogue. The Rabbi just sent me [l:http://www.danmeth.com/shofaridol|this link to "Shofar Idol"] which initially confused me, the whole idea of "Idols" and Judiasm, but…