Tag: import, archive, gregoryheller.com

  • My Thoughts on the future of NPO Technology

    <p>In response to Ty McCabe's questions on the nTEN email list i ahve jotted some quick notes back to him regarding <a href="http://www.nten.org/ntc-2005-future" target="_blank">this session at the NTC</a></p> <p><em>What is the future of open source software in the NP technology sector?</em><br /> open source is the future of NP tech. NPS cannot afford all the…

  • Partisan Blog Traffic rising

    <p>This was an interesting article on MyDD about partisan blog readership. I don't have much to add other than: wake up people who don't believe it! Blogs are the future! and as <A href="http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wemedia/book/">Dan Gillmor suggests in <em>We the Media</em></a> blogs are just the next technology in a long tradition of partisan self publication that…

  • Why Congress Doesn't Blog…And a Few Members Who Do – by Molly Chapman Norton

    <p>This is a very interesting article about congress and blogging. It is relevent to all levels of elected office who might be thinking about using blogs, or people who work for elected and think their principals should blog but don't. Basically the artiocle drills down on 2 or 3 key points:<br /> 1) Message control:…

  • The Principles Project

    <p><a href="http://www.principlesproject.com/finalvote" title="http://www.principlesproject.com/finalvote">http://www.principlesproject.com/finalvote</a></p> <p>While I like that they use CivicSpace it is Pretty sad…</p> <p>That <a href="http://www.principlesproject.com/partners" target="_blank">this roster of groups</a> could only muster <a href="http://www.principlesproject.com/finalvote" target="_blank">about 1200 people</a> from their myriad subscribers to actually vote in this poll. Does it mean:<br /> 1) That the orgs didn't email all their "members"<br /> 2) That…

  • build software that people want to use

    <p><a href="http://www.jwz.org/doc/groupware.html" target="_blanl">If you want to do something that's going to change the world, build software that people want to use instead of software that managers want to buy.</a></p> <p>This quote is from a little post I found, and it struck me as apt. As we think about how to make the web relavent to…

  • On "IT is from Mars; Web Content from Venus"

    <p><a target="_blank">Many IT departments have indeed done a great job in introducing their organizations to the importance of the Web. However, the Web should no longer be managed by IT. The public website should be managed by marketing, and the intranet should be managed by communications.</a></p> <p>It may well be that certain IT people who…

  • Podcasts and Me

    <p>This evening i recorded my first podcast. I am not sure that i am particularly pleased with the results, but it was fun. There is a bit of a learning curve, not just with the format; coming up with a topic, making the show compelling, but i am also using a new computer, and Apple…

  • Open Standards – A Call To Action

    <a href="http://nten.typepad.com/forecast/2005/02/open_standards_.html">Open Standards – A Call To Action</a> – <em>By Nick Gleason, CitySoft, Inc. and Zack Rosen, CivicSpace Labs Despite recent innovations, technology in politics and the social sector too often limits rather than enables people and organizations to collaborate, share information, and solve problems. The software development organizations…</em> [<a href="http://nten.typepad.com/forecast/">nTEN Forecast</a>] As someone who…

  • del.icio.us

    <p>I have been reading here and there about <a href="http://del.icio.us" title="http://del.icio.us">http://del.icio.us</a> but couldn't really get my head around it from the little i had read–until today, that is. <a href="Http://del.icio.us" title="Http://del.icio.us">Http://del.icio.us</a> is social networking software for links. You add your inkls or bookmarks to your account at del.icio.us and you "tag" them. Your l;inks becmoe…

  • The 48 Laws of Power

    <p>After reading the summary of the 48 laws of power (direct link <a href="http://www.tech.purdue.edu/Cgt/Courses/cgt411/covey/48_laws_of_power.htm" target="_blank">here</a> it strikes me that these "rules" are outmoded, written for a "closed source" society of zero-sum games, and while much of the world/society/economy does still function in a "closed-source" manner, they seem to run counter the trend towards open-source and…