Author: gregoryheller
Unplugging and Improving Productivity As A Result
Perhaps it is just the end of the year approaching, and we are all getting a bit reflective, and thinking ahead to New Year’s Resolutions, or maybe something larger is happening.
Should Nonprofit Organizations Hire Zero-Gravity Thinkers?
Yesterday I wrote about a recent study suggesting that millions of baby boomers want to start their own nonprofit organizations or social ventures. This morning I returned to a tab opened in my browser a day or two ago, an article on the Harvard Business Review blog, “Don’t let What You Know Limit What You Imagine.”…
Lessons Of The Dancing Guy, When To Lead And When To Follow
Today I was reminded of the Derek Sivers TED talk “How To Start A Movement” in which he analyzes a popular YouTube video of a guy dancing on a hillside at music festival. What reminded me of this video, and its lessons was an opinion piece in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, “Calling All Boomers: Don’t…
DrupalCon Denver Session Voting Open
We are excited to present a wide range of session proposals for the upcoming DrupalCon Denver. If you take a look at the proposals our team members you will see that there is a little something for everyone, from very technical sessions, to sessions on using Drupal for Mobile applications, nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations using…
NTEN NTC 2012: Vote For Our Sessions
For many years now we’ve participated in the NTEN NTC, one of the premier technology conferences for nonprofit organizations. The NTC provides an opportunity for organizations to share and learn from each other about both big picture technology issues, and nitty-gritty tips and tricks. For next year’s conference, folks from our team have proposed a…
Using Logintoboggan With CiviCRM CiviMember User Account Creation Option
CiviMember is a powerful component of CiviCRM that allows visitors to your site to signup to become members of your organization, with or without paying a fee. If your organization also offers features for which it makes sense for your members to be users of your Drupal site, you can configure CiviMember Contribution Pages to…
Using CiviCRM To Manage Grants That You Receive
Recently I worked with Grantmakers In The Arts, a national association of private and public funders making grants to artists and arts, to provide training on how they can get the most out of their CiviCRM database. In this post I am going to explain one specific bit of functionality that I helped them think…
Alternatives To Go Daddy For Domain Registration
I think all of us at CivicActions were disgusted by Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons’ vacation video featuring him murdering an elephant in Zimbabwe (and the subsequent butchering of that elephant by local villagers wearing Go Daddy hats overdubbed with the song Hells Bells). Bob Parsons has exhibited some pretty questionable behavior before, and made…
I'm Still a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)
<p>Seems like ages ago that I got my ScrumMaster Certification and joined the ranks of Certified ScrumMasters everywhere. I sometimes like to say "I Choose Not To Scrum!" to paraphrase Seinfeld. Well, My membership in the Scrum Alliance was about to expire, but I renewed it today, so I am still a Certified ScrumMaster!</p> <p><img…
How Foundations Are Using Twitter And How They Can Use It Better
<p>Last week I wrote up some research we conducted at CivicActions. The <a href="">research and blog post took a look at the largest 36 foundations using Twitter</a> (based on the size of their endowment). What I found was a wide variance in the twitter metrics: follower and followign counts, tweeting frequence, etc… check out the…