For many years now we’ve participated in the NTEN NTC, one of the premier technology conferences for nonprofit organizations. The NTC provides an opportunity for organizations to share and learn from each other about both big picture technology issues, and nitty-gritty tips and tricks.
For next year’s conference, folks from our team have proposed a number of sessions. Voting is open through September 23rd. Take a look at our session proposals, we hope that you will consider voting for them!
Get More Faster: Agile Project Management and the Scrum Framework: How do you actually apply Agile and Scrum? After a high level overview of Agile and the Scrum framework, this expert panel will discuss how we’ve introduced and implemented Agile and Scrum to the organizations we work with. We’ll give specific examples of hurdles we’ve crossed and you’ll hear first-hand from the stakeholders themselves on how it improved their projects and their approach to planning.
Using Agile software development methodologies to manage your organization: This “Birds-Of-A-Feather” sessions will provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share experiences using agile methodologies outside of purely technical project management. At CivicActions we are experimenting with using Scrum (an Agile software methodology) to manage every aspect of our organization.
The Power Of An Integrated Website-CRM Solution: CiviCRM with Drupal, Joomla and WordPress: This session, co-developed with the folks at CiviCRM, will explore the benefits of tightly integrating your CRM with your website to manage and build richer relationships with your constituents and website users.
Mindfulness in the Midst of Madness: In this facilitated, collaboration-based workshop, participants will work together to share innovative approaches and explore best practices that can make immediate and positive results in our daily lives.
Open Source Mobile Apps for Social Change: This session will explore specific case studies of how NGOs are using free and open source mobile tools for a variety of applications including field reports, data collection, fundraising, capacity building, disease management, point of care treatment, medical assistance tracking, geospatial awareness, humanitarian crisis response, supply chain management and more.
Crowdsourcing For Your Cause: How Designathons Can Deliver $100k+ In Value Overnight
: In this session, we’ll explore the principles of crowdsourcing, survey the kinds of events that have recently taken place and explore one model in detail – the #designathon, a 24 hour event for creative professions to volunteer their services for a nonprofit organization.
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