Author: gregoryheller
Tips For Increasing Blog Readership and Subscribers
This is an interesting post about increasing blog readership through RSS and email subscriptions. One tip: “Popular bloggers will all say that to build a large dedicated following you must keep a blog that is consistently on topic and make it as easy for your visitors to subscribe.” Another tip that is repeated in the…
Write Up of 50 Social Sites
A few weeks ago someone pointed me toward this interesting writeup of 50 social sites, it is geared toward sites where businesses should try to build and maintain a presence, but I think that it is applicable for NPO and NGOs too. The article is split into 5 sections: Social-Media/Social-Bookmarking Sites Professional-Networking Sites Niche Social-Media…
The Way We Work: Steph Pakrul
In a new twist on our “Way We Work” series, I present this interview with one of our star themers, Steph Pakrul. This is sort of the first in a two-parter–Steph works very closely with her husband, Chris Fassnacht, so close, we sometimes refer to them as “Christeph”. Without further ado: Gregory: Have you worked…
Using To Drive Traffic To Your Site
I came across this list of 20 tips for using to drive traffic to your site, and while it is geared more towards commercial sites, I think there are some interesting ideas for organizations like the ones we work with. Many of the ideas on the list are generally good ideas, not just for…
Thoughts On The “Super Bowl” of Politics
Over the last few days there were some emails traded back and forth internally about the 2008 US Presidential race. We’ve got an international team and some of the folks who do not live in the US, as well as some who have relocated to the US were expressing some level of bewilderment about the…
The Way We Work: Gregory Works From Anywhere
Seattle, Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York… And the airports of those cities are just some of the places I’ve worked from in the last two weeks. I get through security and my eyes shoot furtive glances at the bottom 2 feet of walls searching (sometimes in vain) for a power outlet, preferably one…
The Way We Work (Wednesdays)
At CivicActions we talk a lot about the lifestyle implications of the way we work. Many “remote” or “virtual” workers will rave about the freedom of working from home, or the benefits of not having a commute. But I think we all know that there are challenges that come with the benefits, and each of…
Typing On An XO (OLPC)
I am at Jenn’s house for the upcoming project managers’ retreat, and have been playing with an XO (OLPC). After spending far too much time trying to open it, and far too much time trying to save a document, and far too much time playing with TamTamJam (the music program) I decided to try to…
- Political Reporters Fail To Ask About Climate Change
Sign the petition demanding that political reporters ask the presidential candidates about climate change.
DrupalCon Boston 2008: Offset Your Carbon Footprint
In my ongoing campaign to think and be carbon neutral, and spread the message far and wide, I asked the DrupalCon Boston organizers to post information about offsetting the carbon footprint associated with traveling to DrupalCon in March.I hope that individuals and shops will consider purchasing offsets for their DrupalCon associated travel, as well as…