<p>Andrew is running for public advocate, I like his explanation of the befit of low cost pubvlic wifi….</p> <p>[l:http://www.gothamist.com/archives/2005/05/07/andrew_rasiej_candidate_for_public_advocate.php|One of your big ideas is to build a universal wi-fi network serving the whole city. That sounds cool- but what'll it do for New Yorkers?</p> <p>For one, low-cost universal broadband will plug our kids into the information explosion, 24-7, not just the one hour a week that they now get scheduled in a computer room. Imagine the value of buses and subways that can ping passengers a few minutes before they arrive at a stop, so you don’t have to wait out in the cold. Every family and small business that now pays up to $600 a year for broadband will save hundreds of dollars.</p> <p>And then think of how this can improve public safety. Your fireman will be able to download a blueprint of the building he’s racing to as the truck speeds over. And you’ll be able to call 911 even if you’re underground in the subway. Bottom line, right now the city is falling behind other cities worldwide and the digital divide is growing wider. We can’t afford not to do this, the same way we invested a century ago in things like the water system, the subways and Central Park.]</p> <p>but why is [l:http://www.advocatesforrasiej.com/story|his website so boring] and text heavy? and why is he using wordpress instead of something like [lk:civicspacelabs.org|CivicSpace] which is powering the [lk:personaldemocracy.com|PersonalDemocracyForum] website which he is involved in. And while i am on the topic, why is the [lk:http://upcoming.org/event/11558|PDF (coming up may 16)] so expensive ($295)? I just got an email from [lk:purpleocean.org|SEIU/Purple Ocean] announcing a $25 rate for members of Purple Ocean, but members of [lk:nten.org|NTEN] only get a a rate of something like $175.</p> <p>Lastly try saying "Go visit my website at advocatesforrasiej.com" which is pronounced something like "ro-shay" and getting web traffic to your site. c'mon andrew how about "AdvocatesForAndrew.com" or "AndrewforAdvocate.com"</p> <p>oh now really lastly how about [lk:advokit.net|AdvoKit for Andrew for Advocate]</p>
Andrew Rasiej speaks to gothamist