<p>I first met [l:http://www.prwatch.org/cmd/bios.php/Sheldon_Rampton|Sheldon Rampton] online over at [lk:civicspacelabs.org|CivicSpaceLabs] and then in person at the nTen. Sheldon has contributed some modules to drupal civicspace, my favorite being interwiki which i use ever day here on the site.</p> <p>Sheldon is the research director over at [l:http://www.prwatch.org|Center for Media and Democracy] and runs their website usign CivicSpace.</p> <p>Sheldon attended both the [lk:personaldemocracy.com|PDF] and the Civic Space User Summit. He took a few minutes to speak with me at teh end of the CS User Summit. Among his thoughts: there was not enough time to chat at the PDF, Marty Kearns was the most impressive presenter at the PDF and the CS User Summit was a great opportunity to talk more with interesting people and share ideas.</p> <p>[l:files/cs_sheldon.mp3|Listen to the interview.]</p> <table id="attachments" class="sticky-enabled"> <thead><tr><th>Attachment</th><th>Size</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"><td><a href="http://home.gregoryheller.com/sites/gregoryheller.com/files/cs_sheldon.mp3">cs_sheldon.mp3</a></td><td>1012.36 KB</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
A slightly longer interview with Sheldon Rampton