Hit and Run

<p>[via <a href="http://www.reason.com/hitandrun/2005/10/corporate_socia.shtml">Hit and Run</a>]:</p> <p><cite>In our October ish, we had Whole Foods CEO John Mackey duking it out with Milton Friedman and Cypress Semiconductor CEO (and Blessed Nun Basher) TJ Rodgers about the social responsibility of business. In today's Wash Post, columnist Steve Perlstein namechecks that "spirited debate" and then weighing into the fray thus:</cite> </p><p> <cite>And consumers say they prefer tuna caught in dolphin-proof nets, coffee grown by fairly paid farmers and products made from recycled materials — but retailers find that most are unwilling to pay extra for it….</cite></p> <p>This little blog entry is interesting, I am going to track down the [l:http://www.reason.com/0510/fe.mf.rethinking.shtml|original article from Reason magazine] and read it to see if there are any implications for the Hightower Project I am working on, and the broader corporate sopcial responsibility conversation that i feel like i joined at [lk:webofchange.org|Web of Change].</p> <p>Coming soon, my thoughts on a CSR data interchange format.</p>