<p>I also just finished reading [l:http://bookswelike.net/isbn/1576753018|Confessions of an Economic Hit Man] by John Perkins. I am not 100% sure what to think about the book. It is at times, enlightening, at others it seems like it is way oversimplifying the situation in the world around us. It feels like creative non finction, or a fictionalized account history, and that seems to cheapen the message of the book overall.</p>
<p>Basically, Perkins worked for a professional services firm called MAIN that prepared studies and infrastructure plans, etc, in developing nations. He claims that it was his job to invlate the prospects of these nations so as to enslave them and their citizens with insurmountable debt, all the while degrading the environment and damaging local people, leaders, and destabilizing governments.</p>
<p>It all seems completely plausible. I am just not sure if you need to read the length of the book to understand the extent of this "conspiracy". DOn't get me wrong, it is good. But I don't think the people who need to read it are reading it. Who needs to read it? not me. I already get it. The rest of America needs to read it. But I fear many would assume it is some kind of fiction, while they think the celestine prophesy and davinci code are reality.</p>
<p>This paragraph struck me, and I happened to have my camera, so i snapped a picture of it:<br />
<a href="http://static.flickr.com/27/55361901_e370bd5e0c.jpg"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/27/55361901_e370bd5e0c.jpg" width="500" /></a><br />
I too often wonder if people think of such things at all.</p>
"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"