CiviMember is a powerful component of CiviCRM that allows visitors to your site to signup to become members of your organization, with or without paying a fee. If your organization also offers features for which it makes sense for your members to be users of your Drupal site, you can configure CiviMember Contribution Pages to also require (or make optional) Drupal User signup. You set this up on a contribution page, on the “Membership Settings” tab, near the bottom.
Logintoboggan is a Drupal module that allows users to specify their password during user registration and be automatically logged in to the website without having to confirm their email address as is required with default Drupal user registration. The module also allows users to login using their email address instead of their username. There are a few other features of the module that are usefull.
One option in Logintoboggan is to require users to enter their email address twice to confirm it. This option is helpful in preventing users from entering a typo in their email address that then prevents them from accessing the password reset feature, for example.
If you are using CiviMember with account creation along with Logintoboggan’s “use two email address fields” you will run unto a problem. The CiviCRM CiviMember signup page will only render a single email address. Your user will signup, and when they confirm their contribution/membership signup, they will be delivered to the home page of your website with a cryptic error message to the effect of “e-mail address confirmation required”.
- The contact wil be created.
- The contribution (if you are taking a contribution in exchange for membership) will be recorded and processed
- The membership (civimembership) will NOT be assigned
- The Drupal user account will NOT be created