We often hear the question, “What email service provider do you recommend?” from clients, prospective clients, or even just friends. For those using CiviCRM we recommend using the built in CiviMail in conjunction with an SMTP service like CiviSMTP to handle deliverability issues. But for those not using CiviCRM the answer is always a tricky one to arrive upon because there are so many different variables to consider: volume, pricing, east of use, reporting, and on and on.
So it is with great excitement that I sat down to review the recently released Email Service Provider Comparison Report 2010 from the good folks (literally down the street from me) at Groundwire. The report is a pretty extensive roundup of many popular email service providers including ConstantContact, MailChimp, VerticalResponse, CampaignMonitor (I love their templates and other resources), and a few others.
If you are in the market for an email service provider for email marketing or other mass email, I strongly recommend that you download a copy of the report and read it.