<p><a title="Sign Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Petition" href="http://www.jamieoliver.com/campaigns/jamies-food-revolution/petition"><img src="/sites/gregoryheller.com/files/JOFR-badgeLg.gif" alt="Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" hspace="10px" vspace="10px" width="135" height="120" align="left" /></a>Anyone who knows me well enough to have eaten over at my house, or had me cook at theirs knows that I am a bit of a Jamie Oliver nut. I've got nearly all of his cookbooks, have watched all of his shows (Naked Chef, Jamie's Kitchen, etc…) and I've been talking about his <a href="http://www.tedprize.org/jamie-oliver/">TED Prize</a> since he won it.</p>
<p>If you haven't heard, Jamie's TED Wish is: <em>“I wish for your help to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.” </em></p>
<p>He has a new show called "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" on ABC which premiered last night. I watched the preview on Hulu earlier in the week. It is really powerful stuff. If you care about the health of America, and especially if you live on the west coast, or the north east, you should watch this show to see what is happening in the rest of the country. Pizza for breakfast in school cafeterias!</p>
<p>Jamie is trying to do nothing less than start a revolution in America, a revolution in the way we relate to food. I'm part of it. I've signed the <a href="http://www.jamieoliver.com/campaigns/jamies-food-revolution/petition">petition</a>, of course, but more than than, I'm making food from scratch, I'm starting my vegetable garden, and I'm trying to teach people around me about food. Not everyone can plant a garden, I understand that, but you can sign the petition! And you can watch the show! And you can eat at home more, and make more conscious decisions about the food you purchase, the restaurants you patronize, and the food you prepare at home.</p>
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution