Ian Rhett, Jenn Sramek and I gave our Ignite presentation on Thursday night at the 2010 Nonprofit Technology Conference (10NTC) hosted by NTEN in Atlanta, GA. We’ve gotten some great feedback directly and via Twitter already!
The audience was fantastic, and the other presenters were really great. Sarah Davies, the hostess and organizer did a fantastic job both organizing the event and introducing us all with a little song.
Here are the videos and slide decks for each of our talks. Read some background on Ignite, and these talks
Gregory Heller: “You Don’t Need A Website, You Need A Web Strategy”
Ignite NTC: Gregory Heller “You Don’t Need A Website…” from GregoryH on Vimeo.
Ian Rhett: Stay In The Game! Why Working For Change Matters Even When You Think It Does Not
Ignite NTC: Ian Rhett “Stay In The Game!” from GregoryH on Vimeo.
Jenn Sramek: 10 Tips To Creating An RFP Process That Does Not Drive You or Your Vendors Crazy”
Ignite NTC: Jenn Sramek “10 Tips To Creating an RFP Process” from GregoryH on Vimeo.