Month: August 2010
Announcing Two CiviCRM User Trainings
I’m really excited to announce that I will be running two CiviCRM user trainings in September and October. Back in March and April I was involved in two similar trainings, one with Dave Greenberg from CiviCRM at the NTC, and the other during the workshop day before DrupalCon in San Francisco. The feedback from both…
Looking For An Email Service Provider? Groundwire Sizes Up The Options
We often hear the question, “What email service provider do you recommend?” from clients, prospective clients, or even just friends. For those using CiviCRM we recommend using the built in CiviMail in conjunction with an SMTP service like CiviSMTP to handle deliverability issues. But for those not using CiviCRM the answer is always a tricky…