Month: September 2009
Site upgraded to Drupal 6
<p>It may or may not be obvious to you, but I upgraded my site recently to Drupal 6, I used the Acquia distribution of drupal, figuring it had a bunch of modules i was going to use, and then I added a few more that were not included. I could have just downloaded all the…
Blog Actions Day 2009: October 15th
<p><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" align="left" /></a> I just signed up for Blog Action Day 2009. The topic is Climate Change, or as some are starting to call it: Climate Disruption. My actualy blog post will probably be filed on <a href="">The CivicActions blog</a>, but I'll be sure to copy it hear as well.</p> <p>I…
Slide Deck: Free Tools To Set Up Your Listening Strategy
Yesterday I gave a presentation at Seattle NetTuesday (originally mentioned here). The presentation went really well.
Free Tools To Set Up Your Listening Strategy
On Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 (tomorrow) I’ll be giving a lightening talk at Seattle NetTuesday on free tools that nonprofit organizations can use to develope and execute a listening strategy to enhance their use of social media and the web.
CivicActions Bookmarks on Delicious
Last year I wrote about how an organization could aggregate shared bookmarks from multiple people and present them on their website. In the recent redeisgn of we implemented this functionality. You can see the shared bookmarks feed in the center column at the bottom of the home page, or you can look at a…